Spring 2018 | Notes Archive »
Somehow, we survived the sale of our barn complex in Acworth, and have moved into a very different phase. Eno still searches for a place to set up his shop. and I continue to sort. All those expansive years of our life together have to be compressed into this tiny house.
Thank God, we laugh. The things we hoard can be totally ridiculous!! When my precious daughter, Karen, was very small, and we would take the family to McDonald’s, later, when cleaning her room, I would find tiny, neatly wrapped tidbits of her burger and fries tucked into her bookshelf. She had to keep a memory of those forays! We are such sentimental spirits... and closing our Acworth barns has been an exercise in reviewing scraps of life we couldn’t throw away. Cerebrally, we know that when the inevitable occurs, our kids will resort to dumpsters for all the ephemera which we treasure, but that doesn’t stop us from stashing greeting cards and other bits in boxes in our garret here. I had set up an iron clad regimen: we will hire movers. But, friends, the movers can’t sort life for us. So, we had to touch and file every scrap. The Congregational Church next door to us here in Walpole is having its semi-annual rummage sale next weekend. I dare not go; our life will be for sale there after all the donations. I will begin to buy things back!! Beware: Movers do not sort through your precious memories. We wound up without movers, moving every single thing ourselves!
We still have tremendous piles of snow on the ground, though the calendar says April. The gardening juices start to flow and the annual prayers said over the espaliered apple begin. Hard to believe that another season is upon us. In Walpole everything wakes up, and the reliable chirps of the returning robins punctuate the daylight hours. If robins were less common, we would appreciate them so much more.
I love them. They are so sweet and benign one moment, and tough and resilient the next. Nothing blesses the house more than a robin’s nest and we hope they choose one of our spots for a home. One day soon, the door will be left open to the screen, and the dogs and cat will assume their positions to watch every movement outside.
Flying Pig Co-op in Westmoreland, NH, continues to grow, and now Marlo is running a bunch of tailgates, known as “Tailgates North”, starting April 11th and continuing through October 17th, on Wednesdays, every month. Should be fun — 9 AM to Noon. We all love the “short and sweet” show, as good old Nan Gurley coined the phrase. We call it “The Pig” which is really affectionate, as Marlo is terrific and full of enthusiasm, and her dealer mix in the co-op is optimum — good solid “old-timers” like Steve & Doug, me, Sue Gault, Nancy Prince, Josh Steenburgh, along with the great team of younger folks like Ian Mc Kelvey and Kris Casucci (Walker Homestead). Something is always happening and the tailgates should be lively and a great opportunity for really dealing. Be there! 867 Route 12, Westmoreland, NH.
Please also remember to check me out at DigAntiques, where I list regularly. I have bought really well on Dig — much like combing your own backyard for things. It’s a friendly bunch with lots to offer. www.digantiques.com.